Quick tip

You can always hover over table headings to get a short explanation.


We try to make the site as easy as possible to use, but since we show a lot of data in every screen there is not always room for long explanations.

Here is a short guide to some of the numbers you will find on Analytics Portfolio.

Traffic data

Share of visits

The websites share of the total number of visits for all sites last month.

Monthly visits

Total number of visits last month. Change from the month before is shown in green or red.

For groups we list the total number of visits for all included sites.

Mobile share

Percentage of visits from mobile devices: Phones, Smartphones and tablets. Change from the month before is shown in green or red.

In the group table we list the group average weighted by visits.

Old browsers

Percentage of vistis from old browsers like IE7, Safari 3, Firefox 3.6 and older. Change from the month before is shown in green or red.

In the group table we list the group average weighted by visits.

Social data

Social sharing

Total number of shares of the home page on social network and bookmarking sites. We collect data for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, GooglePlusOne, Pinterest, Delicious, Reddit and StumbleUpon. There is no set time limit, but the individual services might have limits on how long they keep sharing history.

For groups we list the total number of shares for all included sites.

Facebook share count

The number for Facebook is the sum of all likes, shares and comments.

Page speed data

Speed score

The Google Pagespeed score for the home page as a percentage. The score indicates how well a page is optimized to load quickly. If you hover over the score you will see a list of suggested speed improvments.

In the groups table it's an average of all sites in the group.

Suggested speed improvments

The top five recomended improvments listed by impact.


How much fixing an optimization problem will affect the overall score. The value is relative and should only be used to determine the relative importance of the suggested improvements.

SEO data


The Google PageRank of the home page. A number between 0 and 10 with an approximate average of 3. PageRank is an indication of a pages general ability to rank well in search results. It's based on number and quality of other sites linking to the site. Use with a grain of salt, read more about it in our blog post about PageRank.

In the groups table we list an average of all sites in the group.


MozRank represents a link popularity score. It reflects the importance of any given web page on the Internet. The higher the quality of the incoming links, the higher the MozRank. It is calculated by SeoMoz as a way to simulate the true Google PageRank (instead of the often old and inacurate public value)

In the group table we list the average of all sites in the group.

Domain Authority

Domain Authority represents SEOmoz's best prediction about how a website will perform in search engine rankings. It's useful when comparing sites relative potential for ranking well for new pages.

In the group table we list the average of all sites in the group.

Page Authority

Page Authority predicts the likelihood of a single page to rank well, regardless of its content.

For groups the average of all sites in the group is shown.

External links

This is the total number of external links (that search engines can/may follow) to the home page of the site.

For groups we list the total number of links for all included sites.